Friday 29 January 2010

Toasted by the fires of Hell

Yesterday the weirdness almost passed me by, it wasn't until lunchtime when we were all sat round the table that someone mentioned a crazy lady. I was on the alert straight away!

Apparently, that morning at breakfast a woman had asked for toast, "I would like it crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside" she had said. Well, that sounded like all the pieces of toast I have ever had (except the cremated ones), so what went wrong? The member of waiting staff had brought the toast, the guest had tasted it, declared "That is not what I asked for!" and hurled the offending toast across the restaurant.

A bit later on in one of the corridors she subjected the electrician to a rant about how he was evil, and in league with Satan.

Her room wasn't on my list, but my colleague said that other than totally going to town with the talcum powder there was nothing sinister to report.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

How to Trash Your Dragon

I am not at work as often at the moment (I'm not a full-timer and it's a very quiet period so I don't get many hours), so how about I reminisce instead?

The police were called to my first ever weird room, the occupant had caused damage by cutting the phone and internet cables for a start, but what made this room "creepy" were the pages of scrawl concerning September 11th, terrorism etc. so we thought it had better be checked out.

The room status was automatically upgraded to "super creepy" by the item on the bed. A large stuffed dragon of the type normally found being lugged around fairgrounds after a win on the hoopla. Sadly this dragon was reduced to 'puff' and minus the 'magic', pieces of it were also tied into little knots. This guy actually had a knot theme going on, he had made knots with carrier bag and phone cable too.
In the bathroom he had provided us with a urine sample in a plastic cup and there was blood, but not too bad on the whole.
Notice how the bed is still rather neat, he probably did not sleep at all.
It turned out that Dragon Guy was a mental health patient with a hobby of causing damage in hotels, he had done it in other places in the area. I hope he has been able to get the help he needs, because his behaviour is saying "notice me".
I reckon he could do with a cheaper hobby though, macrame would be good, all those KNOTTTTTSSSSS!

Monday 25 January 2010

*knock knock* Housekeeping!

Since the world and their hamster are writing blogs now, I thought it was about time I broke my uncommunicative habits and jumped on the blog-wagon. It will be good for me, that's what I'm telling myself.

I am someone who is talkative and quietly-confident in person, but online I just end up lurking about and not posting in the forums I join.

So welcome to my blog, it will no doubt feature the bizarre happenings at the hotel where I work and hopefully serve to expel my communication demons!